Wednesday, April 14, 2010

17 days...

is how long we have until we take over the bakery. We've been busy getting the city business license, the state business license, setting up checking accounts, transferring the Costco membership to the new corporate name, talking to the bank about credit card machines and fees, talking to the Chamber of Commerce (what a deal you get with a membership!) getting insurance, and talking about ideas, ideas, ideas we have to make the bakery a huge success.

Jim is chomping at the bit to get going. He'll shadow our seller, watching and learning his way of doing things, until May 1, our official as-of day. After that, the seller will keep a helpful eye on Jim, easing him into the operation. Even with his training, Jim still has to learn the way things are done in that particular bakery.

Matt's about a week away from leaving Minnesota for Poulsbo. What an exciting time for all of us, but I think especially Matt and Jim, who will be knee-deep very soon.